We are all in this together. Come to the Mayday March. Show your opposition.

Several professionals who protested against tax cuts were the same people who were calling for the IMF. So the IMF is here and this is what it means. Our seat belts are being tightened by the same politicians and businessmen who brought this country to a crisis. No tightening for them. In fact, they are going on a joy ride without any seat belts.
The next cut will come to your EPF/ETF savings. If you hear domestic debt restructuring that’s what it means. If you have worked in a private Company for a wage you must have an EPF/ETF account and that too might be lost.
The other thing is Labour law reform. The advocate is advising the labour minister on labour law reform. Seeking Advocata’s advice on labour law is like asking men who abuse women to draft laws for the protection of women.
So what is the alternative? Unions have proposed several alternatives. But many thought the IMF will only affect the blue-collar workers. So didn’t push against it. At least now we should come together as working people and push against the Government’s policies against working people. That includes people who work in the Management of Corporates.
We are all in this together. Come to the Mayday March. Show your opposition. Staying at home is not an option.